Configuring the Avaya Telephone System

The Avaya telephone system is a VoIP hybrid solution that provides telephony, messaging, and conferencing.

Prerequisite: Logon account for Avaya IP Office Manager

Complete the following steps to configure a new user’s Avaya telephone system:

  1. Go to the GTN server room located in the supply area.
  2. Locate the KVM switch box to the right of the workstation.
  3. Switch the KVM box to server 4 by pressing the control button shown in the following graphic.

A black electronic device with white labels Description automatically generated

  1. Logon to the workstation as VMpro using the password comm-unltd. The Select IP Office window and the Configuration Service User Login dialog box display.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  1. Specify Manager in the Service User Name and Service User Password fields.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Select GTN > User on the IP Offices navigation pane.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  1. Scroll the list in the User pane, and select an unused extension (for example, Ext 228).

A computer screen shot of a computer Description automatically generated

  1. Complete the following steps on the Ext 228: 228* pane:
  2. Specify the name of the new user in the Name and the Full Name fields (for example, Nikita Tiffany).
  3. Specify the new user’s email address in the Email Address field.
  4. Reset the new user’s password in the Password and Confirm Password fields to 2580 on the User tab and in the Voicemail Code and Confirm Voicemail Code fields on the Voicemail tab.

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  1. Click OK.
  2. Select Incoming Call Route from the IP Offices navigation pane. The Incoming Call Route window displays.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  1. Select the 228 Nikita Tiffany entry from the list on the Incoming Call Route pane.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Sort by extension to determine if there is already a Direct Inward Dialing (DID) number assigned. If not, then find an unused phone number, and assign it to the extension.
  4. Change the last two numbers of the DID to match the last two numbers of the extension.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Merge the records by clicking the floppy disc icon in the upper left corner of the screen, and following the prompts.
  7. Go to the user’s desk, and logon to the telephone to ensure that everything is working correctly.

If the phone screen is dead, then check the cable number on the wall plug (odd numbers are only for phones, and even numbers are only for workstations).

If the screen is on, but you cannot logon with the default password 2580, then try 1234 in case you failed to reset the password to 2580 in a previous step or the phone vendor reset it to 1234.